It was to be a cold weekend in Pennsylvania, with snow forecast for Saturday. Thankfully, I was going to North Carolina. That meant waking up very, very early in the morning Friday, January 17 in order to make my 6 AM flight from Philadelphia airport. It was also my first time traveling solo, my first time traveling in a season besides summer, and my first time having already checked in online for my flight. Travel Tip: Check in online! Whether you print out your ticket or have it on your phone, it cuts out a major chunk of time and streamlines your flight process by skipping the long lines at the desk. I was also using my beautiful new, blue carry-on suitcase, with 360 wheels. (The best part? I got it for free at my work banquet!). It definitely made walking through the airport smoother, especially standing in lines. Of course, it was a tiny plane, so my suitcase got gate-checked, which is pretty handy anyway. What a short flight! There was barely time for the flight atte...
After swimming in the pool after a relaxed breakfast of lots of bread and good conversation at Uncle Mario's dining room table, we headed through Colombian city, fields, the wide girth of the Cauca River, and even more landscapes before heading up into the mountains. The cooler air flowing in through the open windows felt nice. While in the mountains, we stopped for lunch (another meal too large for me!). As we began to wind down the other side of the mountains, my brother and I couldn't stop being amazed at the variety and combination of the plants and fruits and trees and crops...there was literally everything! Eventually, the lake appeared in the distance, and none of our attempts to take pictures out the windows failed to catch it properly. Before we arrived at Lago (Lake) Calima, we went through a small town that was like a bite of Guatemala. And then, the lake. The later it got, the further the clouds draped themselves ov...