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Colombia 2019: Palmira

Our first full day in Colombia, we got a small tour of Palmira. We walked first to the bakery to get breakfast - quite a selection!

We also got a tour of the construction being done on one of the houses they own and rent out. Then, we hailed a taxi and headed into the heart of Palmira, where we first went inside the historic cathedral. We walked through the square full of palm trees and pigeons and saw the view from the second-story balcony of an art museum.

The streets were hot and busy. We walked through a few shops and stopped in a side cafe for some guanabana (also known as soursop) shakes. Next, another taxi ride to a park. Unfortunately, it was soon closing for their lunch break, but we got a nice walk in before we had to leave.

Our last stop was a visit to one of the sisters of our host. We walked the maybe four miles back to the house. The sun was hot and the air humid; we made a brief stop for some raspberry-flavored ice from a small cart along a dusty street. A couple cats slept sprawled on the sun-baked sidewalk. The rest of the walk back was still hot and my hair began to stick to some sweat on my neck, but my mouth was cooled by the crushed ice. 


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