Ah, the mountains of North Carolina. This was one of my favorite vacations. My family (minus my sister) rented a little house outside of Asheville, NC. Asheville itself seemed like a cool city to check out, but we didn't have time to do that...because we were too busy doing lots of other cool things! In fact, one of my favorite things we did there was visit the Biltmore Estate, which I will cover in another post after this one. Grandfather Mountain This place had some really neat hiking trails, including some that had ladders and ropes straight up rocks. My mom wanted to go on and check out that one further, but the rest of us declined - especially since it was drizzling off and on and the ladders were wet. Grandfather Mountain has an elevation of 5,945 feet and quite the bridge to walk out to the highest point. It's an amazing view, but it's also very windy and chilly up there. Gorges State Park Gorges State Park is also gorgeous ! My favorite hiking trails were h...